When your license is on the line, you need experienced representation. Don’t assume the DRE or DFPI are always right and win every time. They don’t. Our firm has successfully defended many regulatory actions against brokers and lenders. We bring our 40+ years of experience to bear on each case. We obtain a copy of the agency’s working papers and look for the mistakes and grey areas to mount the best possible defense.
Case in point. In 2019 a client was accused by the DRE of violating California high cost mortgage law (Financial Code 4970) when the client made a second trust deed loan on an owner-occupied condo where the purpose of the loan was to finance the owner’s entertainment business. The DRE contended that the high cost law applied to business purpose, owner-occupied loans. We disagreed. At hearing, the Office of Administrative Hearings sided with the DRE. Another well-known law firm advised it’s clients to roll-over and not pursue the matter further. That is not our style. We filed an appeal in the LA Superior Court. The California Attorney General took over the case for the DRE. We applied so much pressure that the DRE called us to announce it was changing its position, that all charges against our client would be dropped and the DRE would publish an announcement reversing its position. You can read about that case here:
This case is just one example of how hard we fight to protect our clients from unwarranted discipline.
If you have been accused or have a contentious audit or investigation, contact us and let us help you.

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